The editors' meeting has been canceled for technical reasons.

Module:Citation/CS1/Date validation:修订历史

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2025年1月20日 (星期一)

  • 当前之前 04:442025年1月20日 (一) 04:44Selfice 留言 贡献 33,514字节 +33,514 创建页面,内容为“ local p = {} --[[--------------------------< I S _ V A L I D _ A C C E S S D A T E >---------------------------------------- returns true if: Wikipedia start date <= accessdate < today + 2 days Wikipedia start date is 2001-01-15T00:00:00 UTC which is 979516800 seconds after 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC (the start of Unix time) accessdate is the date provided in |accessdate= at time 00:00:00 UTC today is the current date at time 00:00:00 UTC plus 48 hours if to…”