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於 2024年11月1日 (五) 13:37 由 Selfice對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (页面内容被替换为“{{Documentation header}} {{lua}} This template creates a navbox template, which can be included at the bottom of each page that is linked in the template. == Usage == {| class="wikitable" width="100%" |- ! Parameter(s) ! Usage ! style="width: 9%" | Default value(s) |- | {{{name}}} | Should be identical to the template's name without namespace. Does nothing unless {{{1}}} is set to navbar or navbar-mini. | {{{name}}} |- | {{{title}}}…”)
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Template:Documentation header


This template creates a navbox template, which can be included at the bottom of each page that is linked in the template.


Parameter(s) Usage Default value(s)
{{{name}}} Should be identical to the template's name without namespace. Does nothing unless {{{1}}} is set to navbar or navbar-mini. {{{name}}}
{{{title}}} Sets the title used at the top of the navbox. {{{title}}}
{{{class}}} Allows you to change the collapsing state of the table. More info. Collapsed is removed while on pages in the Template namespace, to make editing easier. collapsible collapsed
{{{1}}} navbar: Will add a navigation bar giving links to view, discuss, and edit the template. Requires {{{name}}} to be set. Note: This will only correctly link to templates that are actually in the Template: namespace.

navbar-mini: Identical to navbar, except the titles of the links are v, d, and e instead of view, discuss, and edit.

{{{titlestyle}}} Allows custom styling for the title area None
{{{bodystyle}}} Allows custom styling for the body area None
{{{groupstyle}}} Allows custom styling for the group area None
{{{liststyle}}} Allows custom styling for the list area None
{{{groupn}}} Adds the heading for the group number specified {{{group1}}} = {{{group1}}}
{{{group2+}}} = None
{{{listn}}} Adds text for the list number specified {{{list1}}} = {{{list1}}}
{{{list2+}}} = None


| title  = Example

| group1 = Example group 1
| list1  = Example list 1

| group2 = Example group 2
| list2  = Text above a child navbox
 | group1 = Example Sub-group 1
 | list1  = Example Sub-list 1

 | group2 = Example Sub-group 2
 | list2  = Example Sub-list 2<br>Taking up two lines

 | group3 = Example Sub-group 3
 | list3  = Example Sub-list 3
* Horizontal list
* Under a child navbox

See also